Outbound B2B Telemarketing

You want top qualified and quality leads - here’s how we deliver that for you:

Effective business to business telemarketing lead generation is all down to preparation.

Before we even pick up the phone, we get to know your business.

We want to know what makes your customers tick and more importantly, how your product or service helps them.

We work together to make sure we’re calling the right prospects – from your own CRM, a new data list, LinkedIn Research or combination of the above.

We won’t make promises that we can’t keep – we’ll leave that to other B2B telemarketing companies.

We’re all about quality over quantity – as someone once said: Less is more.

When we deliver your business-to-business telemarketing calls, we’re focused on building rapport with prospects. If there isn’t a genuine opportunity there, we won’t force one.

But if there is an opportunity, we’ll listen, we’ll ask the right questions and will report everything back to you.

You’ll get call recordings, feedback and reports.

We locate. We call. We qualify. We appoint.

You sell.

Inbound B2B Telemarketing

In today’s competitive markets, businesses need to make sure that every lead counts.

Our philosophy is simple:

If someone has taken the time to contact your organisation, they deserve the most professional response possible.

Before the campaign goes live, we’ll work closely with you to ensure we understand your business, who we will be talking to, the questions they may have and how we can respond to them.

We’re comfortable working with your CRM but can also provide a dedicated CRM on our system if required.

That means that we can handle tasks like providing call notes, sending information or scheduling appointments or follow up calls.

We’re also experienced and well placed to handle those difficult conversations as well – so If a difficult b2b telemarketing call needs to be made, you can trust us to deliver.


Identify Target Audience

Define who we need to target.

Discuss the messaging style that resonates best with your audience.

Ensure outreach is precise and impressive.

Address Pain Points

Understand the pain points that your value proposition solves.

Craft compelling messages to highlight the benefits of your product or service.

Tackle Potential Objections

Identify common objections we might face.

Determine qualification criteria for meetings.

Handle challenges effectively and qualify leads accurately.

Align Efforts with Business Objectives

Ensure our onboarding process aligns with your business goals.

Gather necessary prospect information to launch an effective telemarketing campaign.

Deliver high-quality leads that support your business growth.

Our Experience

We’re humans, not robots.

People buy people.

It’s a phrase that’s been around for decades and we believe it runs true today.

Whether it’s an outbound or inbound b2b telemarketing call, the most important part is building rapport with the caller.

The team at Xpand are all hugely experienced at being able to engage with prospects and we’re proud to say we’re 100% human – no AI callers on our team.

In the last 12 years, we’ve made thousands of calls across a number of different sectors:

Non-Profit Sector Public Sector
Private Sector Private Sector
Public Sector Non-Profit Sector
"For over a decade, Xpand UnLimited has been a powerhouse in using the phone to skyrocket sales leads, secure appointments, and uncover market insights!"

Xpand UnLimited

1 Horseshoe Park

0118 321 4304
